Karma Lessons

Transcend your Past and
Transform your Future

Nine Lessons to help you overcome the challenges of your karma and learn the great secret of transmutation

Introducing the Karma Lessons...

Karma and reincarnation tell us that our soul, following the patterns of nature, journeys along a path of birth, maturation, death and then the renewed opportunity of rebirth. They tell us that we are a part of a moving stream of consciousness and that through many life experiences our soul is evolving.

Karma and reincarnation explain that our soul, like the legendary phoenix, does indeed rise from the ashes of our former selves to be reborn and that our former lives contain the seeds of our new life. They can help us understand why we were born with a particular set of aptitudes and talents, crises and challenges, assignments and aspirations.


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About Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1939-2009) was a pioneer of modern spirituality and an internationally renowned speaker and author.

Her books are published in more than 30 languages, and millions of copies have been sold online and in bookstores worldwide.

Throughout her lifetime, Mrs. Prophet walked the path of spiritual adeptship, advancing through the universal initiations common to mystics of both East and West.

She taught about this path and described her own experiences for the benefit of all who desire to make spiritual progress.

Mrs. Prophet has left an extensive library of spiritual teachings from the ascended masters and a thriving, worldwide community of people who study and practice these teachings.

Here’s What the Karma Lessons Will Do For You:

Lesson 1

Karmic Truths

This in-depth lesson gives you the cultural history of the belief in karma and reincarnation showing the many philosophers, religious teachers, and spiritual pioneers that hold this belief.

You will learn about karma in the Bible, the lost teachings of karma and reincarnation in Christianity and in the hidden wisdom traditions. Learn why Karma is not Fate. Discover how Karma is the X Factor in our relationships, health and life.
Lesson 2

West Meets East

Read about the compelling evidence and scientific research behind reincarnation. Enjoy the stories of children who remember their past lives and adults whose memories bring resolution and healing.

There is a great creative plan behind our soul evolution and you can learn about it.
Lesson 3

Cycles of Karma

Have you ever wondered how karma unfolds in our lives? This lesson describes the cycles of karma, group karma, family ties, soul mates and twin flames and even a record of life between lives.

Read the interesting story of a historical cycle of karma that shows opportunities repeating life after life. Learn the great key of balancing karma and keeping relationships healthy.
Lesson 4

Karmic Traps

Why don’t we remember our past lives? Learn the important keys behind our veil of forgetfulness. See clearly why karma is not fate and how you can transcend your karma.

Discover how to remove the sense of injustice and to forgive. Think deeper about the identity of the soul and its spiritual origins. Your true spiritual identity is revealed.
Lesson 5

Karmic Transformations

What is transformation, really? Learn how to actually transform your life through this understanding.

See what actions open the channels for transformation and learn a specific key from the Ascended Master Saint Germain on releasing and controlling your energy. Discover the hidden gold of your spiritual self.
Lesson 6

The Interplay of Karma and Psychology

Karma and psychology are intertwined and resolving psychological issues can also help you balance and transcend your karma.

Experience more about the role of compassion and how love itself transmutes karma. Learn the most important key of your Higher Self and the grace of good karma.
Lesson 7

The Starry Map of our Karma

The ancient science of astrology provides more information about our past lives and karma.

You can get a glimpse of your positive karma and gifts and also a clue about your karmic challenges. Learn the secret of balancing karma with the heart and as a joy. And a special mantra for the balancing of karma.
Lesson 8

Spiritual Alchemy

Here you will discover and learn more about the greatest spiritual gift, the violet transmuting flame.

This is the offering that the Ascended Master Saint Germain gave to us at this challenging time for the true transformation of ourselves, our karma, our culture and our planet.
Lesson 9

A Sacred Fire

This lesson is the final key to balancing and transcending your karma. Special mantras, decrees, prayers and fiats, given through the science of the spoken word are given for your daily use.

Learn how to overcome anxiety, fear and any sense of hopelessness by identifying with your Higher Self.

What Students Say

“I enjoyed everything I read and learned”

“It answered many questions about life. I highly recommend it to all with an open mind and healthy curiosity.”

“I liked the personal histories”

“The cycles of karma and second chances. The subject of reincarnation interests me greatly since I’ve had personal experiences.”

“Very uplifting and insightful”

“Oh my – it has opened my eyes to a new belief system…which has freed my soul from confinement.”